TripGo API

The TripGo API allows you to plan door-to-door trips using a large variety of public and private transport. It integrates real-time information and, for selected providers, allows users to book and pay for transport. All-transports

Getting started

1. Getting an API key

Get an API key. You can try it out for free for as long as you like, as long as you stay below a threshold of API calls - no credit card required. For limits on the free tier and pricing, see the SkedGo website.

It may take up to 5 minutes for your key to be active.

Once you have an API key, send it along with every request as the X-TripGo-Key header.

2. Make a request

Our API can do a lot more than just directions, but if that is what you are interested in, then try something like:

curl ',151.207)&to=(-33.863,151.208)&departAfter=1532799914&modes=wa_wal&v=11&locale=en' -H 'Accept: application/json' --compressed -H "X-TripGo-Key: $tripgoKey" -g


curl ',151.207)&to=(-33.891,151.209)&modes=pt_pub&v=11&locale=en' -H 'Accept: application/json' --compressed -H "X-TripGo-Key: $tripgoKey" -g

Keep in mind that this API is optimised to return a large number of trip results while maintaining small response sizes. This has a number of complications. Notably, to get a trip's segments you need to combine the segment references with the segment templates. This is explained further in the F.A.Q..

3. Where to go from here?

  1. If you're an app developer, take a look at our open source TripKit SDKs for iOS, macOS, and Android.

  2. If you're a web developer, take a look at our React SDK, or check out our Leaflet Plugin (see Demo).

  3. If you're a backend developer, dive into the API specs, which are available in OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) format.

  4. If you know how to debug a web app, look at the network activity for our web app to get an idea of which API calls to use when. (Filter for "satapp".)

  5. To talk to us and other developers using our API, join our Slack team on this page.